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Magic history of fridge magnets

Many of us grew up with magnets to admitted our fridge, but we've never really asked why.

It is becoming more and more popular to find a household refrigerator covered in a magnet, whether it's a magnet ad or a souvenir gift.

If you are a curious person, perhaps you have stood in front of my fridge and ponder why we use them, and the way they come.

We will look at the history of fridge magnets and explain how these handy holders end up on our fridge.

Before we do it, it's best that we quickly refresh the correct magnet.

What is even the magnet?


For thousands of years, we already know about the existence of magnetism, but it's really not really recent that we have found it what is really and how it works.

Some first discovered that a stone will attract other iron-rich stones that are ancient Greeks.

The first person to explore the magnetic use to just a piece of metal in constant direction is ancient Chinese, who has used the original form of compass to practice Fen

So what is the magnet


Magnets can come in a variety of shapes and forms.

Some are created by mixing iron and another factor such as vinyl or ceramic, then from magnetization (changes so that they are from school) by a stronger magnetic source.

Another popular form of a magnet is an electromagnet, which is an important component in most types of engines.

These magnets are constantly recharged and magnetized by an electric current, making them ver

You can learn more about what magnets and how they work here.

What is the magnet used for?



By about 1200 ads, it was discovered that you can use a magnet to bring you a true bearings to the north or south, and from this discovery, the compass was born.

The compass is completely revolutionized how we travel and look at the world, allowing tourists to navigate without using the sun or stars, often not more reliable.

Quickly switch to the 20th century and the magnets began to be used in different ways in electronics, engines, V.V.

How do we start using magnets on our fridge?





It is that this period becomes popular to attach a magnet to the number or plastic lettering, used as a teaching AIDS.

The first fridge magnet was actually designed for the purpose used on the refrigerator was invented by a man called Sam Hardcastle.

He was assigned by the company in the space industry with inventing a completely magnetic word and magnetic numbers, instead of just a piece of plastic with a magnet attached.

Sam Hardcastle has created a way to mix iron oxide, basically iron dust, with vinyl, a steam plastic flexible.

He discovered that the magnet he creates perfect fit and keeps on the surface much better because the entire "magnet" is magnetized.

Sam realized that his magnet had more potential and began an advertising company that sold some of the world's first magnetic refrigerators.

He continued to branch into the souvenir industry by creating specialized magnets for each United States with interesting notes on each of them for the tourism industry.

Around the time Sam Hardcastle was developing his fridge magnet, another player entering the game.

A man named William Zimmerman bought the first patent for a new refrigerator magnet in the 1970s, in small and quite useful cartoon form to keep everything on the refrigerator.

Why is the fridge magnet very popular?


The fridge magnets quickly gain approval from the public worldwide.

Magnets with the company's ads are usually provided for free, and it has been discovered that they are extremely useful in keeping notifications, images and drawings on the refrigerator.

Although these are more amazing, colorful and interesting designs have become more popular, with their refrigerator decorations with souvenirs from all places they have come to.

In the 1990s, a company created a product called a magnetic poetry, including a pack of words on the magnetic back, can be used to create any sentences you can imagine from the

The rest?


For some people, this is all about building a collection of colorful fridge magnets growing from wherever they have gone.

For others, the fridge magnet is more valuable for their usefulness in pinning important messages or family photos to the refrigerator.
